Qobra for
Sales Reps

You deserve full transparency on your variable compensation.

Get real-time visibility

Sales is a tough job. Especially since a significant portion of your salary is variable. You deserve to know exactly where you stand so you know what extra effort you need to put in.

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No more errors

Do you happen to find discrepancies between your own commission calculation and the amount calculated by the Sales Ops team? Qobra eliminates the risk of errors that happen in spreadsheets.

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Collaborate with other teams

Make claims using the commenting & notification feature, to ask for overwrites whenever exceptions such as splits happen, so that you and all teams remain on the same page.

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“Having this visibility on my commissions related to the deals I can close provides me extra motivation to perform. Qobra is now really part of my business routine.”
Matthieu Saroli - Account Executive at Didomi
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